Is MonaLisa TouchⓇ Right for Me?

If you have urinary incontinence or a lack of vaginal lubrication as you age, you’re not alone. Nearly 40% of menopausal women experience vaginal atrophy, which is the thinning and weakening of vaginal tissues due to the decline of the hormone estrogen. It can lead to many issues affecting your sex life, urinary health, and self-confidence.
The good news? You can restore your sexual health with a minimally invasive treatment for vaginal atrophy called MonaLisa Touch®. The MonaLisa Touch device applies laser energy to your thinning vaginal walls to strengthen the collagen within, restore lubrication, and alleviate the symptoms of vaginal atrophy.
At Tahoe Women’s Care in Carson City, Nevada, experienced gynecologist Gary Willen, MD, specializes in using MonaLisa Touch to treat sexual and urinary issues that appear around menopause.
What MonaLisa Touch can do
MonaLisa Touch is a laser therapy that encourages the growth of collagen, a structural protein, within your vaginal tissues. It also improves blood flow in the area.
The loss of estrogen during menopause, after oophorectomy, or after cancer treatment can cause your vaginal walls to weaken and sometimes become inflamed, which can lead to urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness, and painful intercourse.
In a painless five-minute treatment, MonaLisa Touch can:
Restore optimal vaginal pH
The pH is a measurement of acidity. When your vaginal pH is within an optimal range, it’s less prone to infection. Your vaginal acidity decreases as you age, but MonaLisa Touch can help restore it.
Restore tissue elasticity
Thanks to the loss of estrogen, your vagina becomes less elastic. Collagen-boosting MonaLisa Touch can help improve elasticity by triggering the tissues to start repairing themselves.
Restore lubrication
Vaginal dryness can cause pain and irritation, especially during intercourse. MonaLisa Touch helps your vagina become well-lubricated again.
Are you a candidate for MonaLisa Touch?
Dr. Willen invites you to Tahoe Women’s Care for a MonaLisa Touch treatment consultation. He reviews your symptoms and determines if MonaLisa Touch is a safe and effective option for you.
You may be a candidate for MonaLisa Touch if you:
- Experience symptoms of vaginal atrophy (vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence)
- Have tried hormone replacement therapy without improvement
- Aren’t pregnant
- Don’t have any active vaginal infections
For optimal treatment results, you may need multiple MonaLisa Touch sessions spaced about six weeks apart.
Call Tahoe Women’s Care or request an appointment online if you’d like to discuss MonaLisa Touch treatments for your vaginal symptoms.
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